Although central Indiana winters are generally mild by Chicago standards, Brownsburg can still get quite the dusting of snow in winter months. If you’re new to the area, you may be wondering about snow removal practices.
The Town of Brownsburg works very hard to keep Brownsburg’s roads safe and passable when winter weather occurs. Plowing begins with two inches of snowfall. Not all streets are plowed at the same time; rather they are divided into four categories: primary arterials, collectors, local, and courts.
The primary roads are SR 267, which is maintained by the Town, and US 136, which is plowed/salted by the State Highway Department. Collector streets, which many residents rely on for access to work or school, are the first priority for plowing/salting after the highway. Local streets (neighborhood through streets) are next in line. Courts and alleys are cleared last. They are typically some of the most difficult areas to clear.
As Town employees clear the streets, snow from the street may be pushed to the curb across drives. There is no other way for the streets to be cleared effectively and efficiently, so please be patient.
When clearing your driveway, avoid depositing the snow in the street. This could create an unsafe situation, and may result in a return trip from the snow plow. If your mailbox or yard is damaged by the snow plow, contact the Street Department at 852-1113 or use this contact form to request repair.
When snow is in the forecast, try to avoid parking your vehicles on the street to make room for the snow plows. It is recommended that you wait to clear your driveway after the street is plowed.