Ready to learn a new skill in 2019? Find out how to read a map at this program at McCloud Nature Park on January 26th, 2019 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. You’ll discover how to orient your map, use a compass, and more.
Attendees will discover how to read a topographic map by constructing a 3D model. They’ll use the model to compare map features with land features while reading a compass. If you enjoy spending time outdoors, this is an important wilderness skill to have.
A portion of the program will take place outdoors, so dress for the weather if you plan to attend. Bring water and make sure you wear comfortable shoes.
This program is recommended for ages 10 and up. Advanced registration is required by January 24th, and there is a program fee of $10 per person. This course meets some requirements for the Boy Scouts of America Orienteering and Geocaching merit badges, as well as for the Girl Scouts USA Cadettes Trailbrazing merit badge.